





That Scale

That Scale

That Scale

Scaling Bitcoin with Ark, a new layer two protocol for fast, low-cost, seamless transactions.

Scaling Bitcoin with Ark, a new layer two protocol for fast, low-cost, seamless transactions.

Scaling Bitcoin with Ark, a new layer two protocol for fast, low-cost, seamless transactions.

Scaling Bitcoin with Ark, a new layer two protocol for fast, low-cost, seamless transactions.

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Be the first to know about Ark protocol developments and upcoming services

Be the first to know about Ark protocol developments and upcoming services

Be the first to know about Ark protocol developments and upcoming services

Be the first to know about Ark protocol developments and upcoming services


Save on Transaction Fees

By taking transactions off-chain to a layer two, making a transaction on Ark costs a fraction of Bitcoinʼs on-chain fees.

By taking transactions off-chain to a layer two, making a transaction on Ark costs a fraction of Bitcoinʼs on-chain fees.

Near-Instant Transactions

Near-Instant Transactions

No more waiting around for confirmations. Ark transactions are always settled in seconds.

No more waiting around for confirmations. Ark transactions are always settled in seconds.

Keep Things Simple

Keep Things Simple

Just set up a wallet and go. With Ark, thereʼs no need to manage nodes, channels, or inbound liquidity.

Just set up a wallet and go. With Ark, thereʼs no need to manage nodes, channels, or inbound liquidity.

How It Works

How It Works

How It Works

Scale Made Simple and Secure

Send bitcoin transactions to Ark users at a fraction of the cost of an on-chain transaction, with the assurance that you can redeem your Ark funds on-chain at any time, even if the Ark Server goes offline.





Bitcoin onboarding for everyone

Anyone can start using bitcoin for less than the price of an on-chain transaction. No need to pay to set up a channel, just download an Ark wallet and start receiving virtual transactions right away. You decide when you redeem your bitcoin at the base layer.

Receive offline

Sometimes it just happens, you lose your connection. The Ark protocol ensures you can continue to transact even when offline.

The power to keep transactions private

Regular bitcoin transactions are published publicly for all to see. Ark takes your transactions off-chain so that your transactions stay between you and the person you're transacting with.





Ark works on a hub-and-spoke model. Each user only interfaces the Ark Server—keeping the complexity of app development to a minimum. Ark also uses UTXO-style transactions (called VTXOs in Ark), so anyone familiar with bitcoin development can hit the ground running!

Ark works on a hub-and-spoke model. Each user only interfaces the Ark Server—keeping the complexity of app development to a minimum. Ark also uses UTXO-style transactions (called VTXOs in Ark), so anyone familiar with bitcoin development can hit the ground running!

Backed by THe best

Board the Ark

If youʼre interested in building on Ark or providing liquidity, check out our docs or get in touch—we’d love to help!

Stay Up to Date

Be the first to know about Ark protocol developments and upcoming Ark services.